Bridging the Gap for Food Sustainability in Cardiff

Bridging the Gap for Food Sustainability in Cardiff

Brigding the gap workshop food Cardiff wales

We were fortune enough and honoured to be invited to 'Bridging the Gap' in Cardiff in July to discuss everything around food sustainability in Cardiff and Wales. Discussing the challenges people face with the rising cost of food, its benefits and sustainability for the present and future.

Creating a fairer and more sustainable food system means tackling issues that often present interconnected challenges. Food that is good for people and the planet, that benefits communities and supports decent livelihoods is currently more expensive than food that is bad for health and produced in ways that damage the planet. At the same time, many communities are suffering the health consequences of lack of access to fresh and nutritious food.

Read the rest of the article in the link below or click on the image and find out what we've been up to and will continue to be involved in as time goes on.

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